Several cameras appear in the sky instead of ground.

During a large-scale interior building capture, I’m having a problem where several cameras are in the opposite Z (in my industry it would be Y - up/down) dimension. The photos have been taken from the ground level, but in Reality Capture it shows them floating in the sky. I’ve tried re-aligning just those cameras, but each time I go back after doing that, the next alignment places them in the sky again. I’ve tried it with “Lock pose for continue” set to both No and Yes and in both cases I had the same problem.

Do I just have to disable those? I hate losing detail but I’m not sure what else to do.

Hi Paul, can you show what you mean? Do those images have geotagged information? Have you used control point to align those images correctly?

I’m using both AprilTags and control points to try to get things working properly. Here is a screen grab of the problem. I’ve disabled them at this point, thus the reason they’re red.

On how many images is that Vent point placed? The point is showed good in 3D view? Do those cameras have geotagged positions? Can you try set No under Use camera priors for georeferencing in Advanced alignment settings and then align them again?