SetupInputComponent is called but input are lost

I override the SetupInputComponent in my CustomController and it only works when I explicitly call it in OnPossess function, which i I think is a litte bit different from many tutorials.

I guess the either the input is somehow hijacked by some other Actors(not sure) or is not set properly. Anyone can hint me about what would be the cause.

One more think to mention is that I can move my pawn correctly using floaingmovement component, but it only works on server side. When I focus on the client viewport and use the same keys moving the character, it does not work. What would be cause of this again.

I’m not sure if this is necessary but you could be missing the

This may be, if you used the same input/key in a blueprint somewhere.
You can search through all existing blueprints by pressing the binoculars button next to the search field in any BP.

I normally override SetupInputComponent on the pawn, not the controller. Try overridding the pawns SetupInputComponent instead and see if that works or not.

Finally figured it out, which is a silly mistake. I bind the input in the controller using the pawn instance which means after connecting to the session the pawn is changed and the setup is gone, which accounts for calling SetupInputComponent in OnPossess making it work. It’s silly to stay up late to make such a mistake. Thanks everyone.

I had struggled with the same problem and solved it using your solution. Thank you!