Hi –
I’ve been working with the sample tutorial online for working with Behavior Trees https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-us/Engine/AI/BehaviorTrees/QuickStart for days now and can’t resolve the issue I’ve been having.
The AI portions appear to all be correct. I’ve gone through the logic multiple times.
The Behavior tree correctly identifies another character, sets the target and location, and runs the RapidMoveTo Task.
Within the Task, whenever AIMoveTo is called, it is immediately aborted. If I set the acceptable radius to be huge, it will say success.
The Nav Mesh looks good – all green.
The character is movable
I’ve tried replacing the custom RapidMoveTo Task with a MoveTo or MoveDirectlyToward task, and still nothing happens.
I’m not sure what else to try, and would appreciate any ideas or a checklist for all the parts necessary. Thank you