What have you tried?
Overlap event won’t help you?
BTW there is a plugin on marketplace that does it all in a great way.
I’m currently working on a game that I want to function in a similar way to games like dark souls with combat. My main aim is to make it so that weapons don’t cause blocking collision but do trigger Hit() events on meshes they collide with, so I can track things like the bones / socket they hit etc.
I understand that it’s possible to create objects that you can move through and still create hit events, but I can’t seem to get this working.
What settings would I need on the weapon mesh and character mesh to achieve this.
So far I have a cube that I can walk through and it creates a overlap event, seems to work fine. BUT it doesn’t give me things like the impact point, so I can dectect the bone hit etc.
Then I can suggest you to use a Shape Trace on Overlap event
and with the trace you will get the impact point and a component being hit by the trace.
The shape should match your weapon shape ofcourse.
That sounds cool, i’ll have a look.