I’ve extended the UAISense_Sight by deriving from it by a UAISense_SightNew class. Now the UAISenseConfig_Sight has a property TSubclassOf< UAISense_Sight > Implementation; where the default value of this property is loaded from config file.
I editted the DefaultGame.ini to set the Implementation property as following: [/Script/AIModule.AISenseConfig_Sight]
The problem is that ProjectName module is not yet loaded when the UAISenseConfig_Sight CDO is being created, what results in the Implementation == NULL.
Is there any way to fix this or am I bound to select this by hand in every instance of UAISenseConfig_Sight I create?
Yeah, there’s a problem with configurable values that point at project-specific classes. A workaround for it would be to update that information upon your sense’s CDO (Class Default Object) creation, like so: