thanks! although that issue isn’t public so I cant see it.
When I set the to use Eye Level as a tracking origin, there is a rotation and position offset that is not aligned to the tracking bounds.
In the book" Unreal Engine VR Cookbook" it states that Eye Level sets the tracking origin to the middle of the monitor side of the bounds. If I set it to Eye Level, then there is a rotation introduced ( seems like 90 degrees but with an extra minus 15-25 or so?) and the position offset is down and to the left.
What I would expect is that the tracking origin is set to be the middle of the ‘front’ of the bounds (much like the oculus camera tracking origin) which would allow me to set the VROrigin scene component to be 1m in front of the pawn ‘eye position’. I would also expect the rotation to still be set at begin play to face the direction that the pawn is facing without the strange rotation position offset.
I can reset the orientation and position using the blueprint function but that has to be triggered by the user once the hmd is on.
Can we please have this changed so that the rotation and tracking origin are set correctly on beginPlay?
Hello dokipen,
I was able to reproduce this issue on our end. I have written up a report and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I have provided a link to the public tracker. Please feel free to use the link provided for future updates.
Link: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-46102)
Make it a great day
The issue is not public.