Setting post process materials in 4.17

Does anyone have a blueprint-based alternative to the old method of adding post process materials to a camera?

4.17 removed the PostProcessMaterials pin entirely from the PostProcessSettings struct, and I can’t seem to find any other ways of doing what I want.


Ended up getting some help from the unreal forums, the solution is to use the “Add Or Update Blendables” node:

thanks for the answer, did you manage to use the node “remove Blendable” ?

Yep, I’m using it in a couple of places… But usually I just use the AddOrUpdateBlendable with a weight of 0 if I want to disable something temporarily.

I can not play fortnite because of a problem, “UE4” as I can solve it

I didn’t manage to remove my post process using “Remove Blendable” - is there something particlar to do?

instead I created a post process component on my player pawn and set the blend weight from the post process to 1.0 for and 0.0 for off


Hey there, here’s an example of what I’m doing currently. I first create a dynamic post process material, set it as a variable (SCSobel in this case) , then add it to my camera.

When I want to remove it later on, I just pass in the same variable into the RemoveBlendable object input.

You can check this page for Fortnite issues: