Setting default "Generate Overlap Event"

Hi Eveybody,

When using the main editor window and selecting a static mesh, the collisions section of the details panel has the option to set “Generate Overlap Event” as pictured below:


However, when editing the static mesh directly, this option doesn’t appear in the collisions section as show below:

Is there a way to set “Generate Overlap Event” to true within the static mesh editor so I don’t have to manually go through every static mesh every time I add to one to set it to true?

I would also like to know this. Seems annoying having to set this individually.

I also want to know this as this is very annoying

To help those who search this question out.
“Static mesh” Doesn’t know what Generate overlap events is, that is a Actor property.

So if you want to have default value for GenerateOverlapEvents, Create an actor with static mesh component, and set default values to Generate Overlap Events to true.

That is essentially what is happening when you drag Static mesh intro Level. It creates Actor with that Static mesh component.

That is my understanding of how it works which may be incorrect, and i’m not representative of Epic.