Below is my custom physics volume class, it works great!
Unless I set bColored to true, then it disappears on map reload, even though it is still there.
If I dont set bColored to true, I can do many map reloads and is still there
its not pink anymore!
// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#pragma once
#include "RamaVolume.generated.h"
class ARamaVolume : public APhysicsVolume
ARamaVolume::ARamaVolume(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP)
: Super(PCIP)
//bColored = true;
//BrushColor = FColor(255,0,255,255); //Pink!!!
If I uncomment the above, I get pretty vertex coloring when I first create the volume
but when I exit editor and reload map it disappears.
If I use scene outliner I can find it, but even after highlighting it, it does not appear again, the vertices show up, but not the lines.
make a custom PhysicsVolume similar to my above class
uncomment my commented out code
drag into world in editor from the volumes section
you will see it!
all will seem great!
save level
reload editor
should be gone now
comment out my code again
reload editor, repeat
should be fine on map reload
I want the pretty vertex coloring!