SetTextRenderColor during TickComponent

I have a UTextRenderComponent subclass with an overridden TickComponent with this in it:

currentTime_ += DeltaTime;
currentAlpha_ = 1.f - currentTime_ / timeToFade_;
int alpha = currentAlpha_ * 255.f;
SetTextRenderColor(FColor(255, 0, 0, alpha));

With currentTime_, timeToFade_, and currentAlpha_ being floats. timeToFade_ is 2.0f. The goal is to have the alpha fade from 255 to 0 over 2 seconds linearly. I stepped through this and it’s definitely getting the proper alpha (255, 230, 205, etc) but the text color is not actually updating at all. Instead it’s just staying solid red. Is there something I’m missing about SetTextRenderColor that will make this not update during tick?

Oddly enough, if I fade any of the other RGB values, it works. Alpha just appears to do nothing.