Hi All, need to know how to set the Target point to the End socket of a mesh being attached to another mesh via sockets. I have a beam emitter with target set and added Source and Target nodes in cascade. I’m setting Spawn Emitter Attached to the Start Socket, and Setting a Vector Param for Source and Target, then adding socket Start and End to Param location. All i seem to get is the distance i set in Cascade. Any help would be great. Thanks!!
Hey moveforward -
Instead of using Actor in the Source and Target Modules use the Vector Parameter Option and then feed the Socket location into the Vector Parameter.
So set the Source Method to Default in both Source and Target then Under Source roll out and the Target roll out Change the Distribution to Vector Particle Parameter (naming the Parameter instead of the Source or Target Name). You can do that to both source and target and your will be able to feed in the vector information from the blueprint as you show above.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
Hi Erik,
Thanks for your answer I’m not sure what to set in the Target for the in and out values. As it is, if i set all the X values to 100 i get a beam 100 long but not ending at the Target Point. Sorry for being not so Knowledgeable, but could you explain what they mean and why they are relevant when setting Source and Target because the distance is (or I assume) calculated between the two sockets? Thanks again…
The Max and Min Inputs and Outputs function like clamps and can be usefully in certain aspects if you have moving points that you want to stop the beam from going beyond A or B in either direction. For what you are trying to do I would set all the Min Inputs and Outputs in Source and Target to -5000,-5000,-5000 and the Max Inputs and Outputs to 5000, 5000, 5000
Eric Ketchum
Thanks Erik, appears to be working So, is the GetSocketLocation using world or local space? and is that the same for the particle system parameters? I’m assuming the particle system is in local, because of the SourceAbsolute attribute and from what I have read the GetSocketLocation is using world. Anyway, Thank you very much for the help
As a side note. When you create a function the name will automatically create spaces. I was using a timer and trying to figure out why the function wasn’t being called, because i was copying and pasting the name exactly to the timer. It was because of the spaces added to the name of the function. not sure if this was intended or not.