Set Skeletal Mesh replication broken?

Hello everyone.

I’m testing some customization using the default Third Person template with the UE4 Mannequin’s default blueprint.
I have been able to do simple customization that works online for Static Meshes that attach to sockets, however now I’m trying to do the same with Skeletal Meshes and I’m having trouble getting it to work, even though I’m doing the exact same process.

Basically on my components inside the ThirdPersonCharacter, I have a Skeletal Mesh Component that’s a child of the ‘Mesh’ actor. On the same place I have all my Static Meshes that I can exchange properly online. The Skeletal Mesh is set to Replicate, and inside the Event Graph I have a Custom Event set to “Run on Server” that once executed does a “Set Skeletal Mesh” and the New Mesh is an element from within a variable “Skeletal Mesh” array that is also replicated.

Am I missing something? The exact same process works for my Static Meshes and the swap works if I’m the server or playing offline otherwise.

Thank you.

I managed to swap skeletal mesh using the following blueprint.

The blueprint, as you can see, is made of two parts. The first one runs on the server, the second one forces the replication to the clients.
The second part is there to workaround to broken(?) replication. Torso and the pawn are indeed replicated vars, but they do not get automatically replicated for some reasons or for my fault.

Hopefully someone can help me out to tell me how I could get rid of multicasting part.