Set priority of an animation

Adamım you are great! Thank you for the fast and right help!

So i want to ask you; do you suggest the same logic with “gethit” function. FOr example if the actor’s getgit" bool is true, in animbp “hit” animation plays? what do you think?

Yes you understood right. So in loco, i will make a state called gethit and make its transition is gethitbool right? So If the enemy is making a “findrandomlocation” BT in behaviortree, if i hit the enemy , enemy will make hit animations after finishing the “findrandomlocation” task or it will immidietly make a hit animation? I know my explanation is terrible in english but i am afraid of having ban if i speak turkish

Dostum, you are doing it wrong, you wont use transition for dead. Because when you die, you will no longer need any locomotion in animbp.

Rather than keep it in initial state as follows.

For sure you need to update died variable from character.

PS : Dont forget to untick loop animation in dead animation.

:smiley: rica ederim

As I understand you want to play animation when player get damaged right? No I dont suggest because in this way, you are disabling locomotion. For get hit general state machine logic will help you in locomotion.

My enemy doesnt make die animation before finish its attack animation.
Attacking is handling by Behavior Tree but death animation state is in the AnimBP: And transition is " isDead reutrns ture"
I only want to behavior tree fallows the “isdead” variable and if it is changes stops what it is doing and die.
Can you help me?

Thank you