Set position with motion controller in VR

Hi all,

I am trying how to set the position of my VR pawn based on the position of the motion controller in real life. When I launch the game the position by default is set based on the vr glasses. I am using the Oculus Quest 2.

Thank you!

Hi CAFdesign,

Let me know how this works for you:

In Editor/Engine: Place the VR pawn in the center of your physical playspace (Or an intentional location).

When you’re in VR, walk to the center of your playspace (or intended location) and face “forward” (Same forward as pawn)

Hold the Oculus button on your right controller to reset your position/orientation.

There’s also a ‘reset position and orientation’ Blueprint node that you can use.

Welcome to the Forums.

Thank you for your answer! I will try it.

I would also like to know if there is any possibility to launch the VR location based on the controllers position in real life instead of the headsets; just to place the controller always in the same place and start in the same position.

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