Set Leader Pose component break line trace Component Hit

Hi, First post here, I usually find all my answer on the internet, but I wasn’t able to found anything talking about my problem.

I’m trying to make some kind of shooter, with modular character (Body, clothes and armor).

I need to know which component of the character is hit, to apply damage and / or resistances. The line trace work perfectely and return the correct hitted component until I set up the Leader pose, to ensure good animation across all skinned meshs.

Pic.1 is without the leader pose component

and pic.2 is with it

We can clearly see the line hit the torso armor, yet it doesn’t return its value.

It looks like as soon as you set the leader pose node it makes the component “individuality” disapear and make the collision for tracing of it vanish. Is this normal, am I doing something wrong or is this a bug ?

The Leader pose node parameters :

Cheers, and thanks everyone for your answer and help :slight_smile:

Ok so I’ve found by using the previous name of the Set leader pose node (Master pose) some kind of insight.

It looks like it remove physics body or colision and I should use Copy Pose From Mesh instead. But i’m rather scared of the performance impact of that. I want to do some kind of rts and I’m scared to have to update 4 parts * n characters each frame ?

Whould anyone have any idea what would be the best way to do this.

Hello, i have the exact same problem did you manage to fix it ?

Hi, sorry for the late reply.

I in fact did not manage to get the thing to work, We have to use a completly other way to to “merge” the meshes together, I just paused the project for now hoping for -maybe- a kind of fix or at least a easier way to do this.

But the “problem” seems to be there for quite some type some time so it might work as intended and we just aren’t doing things correctly. Don’t hesitate to comeback if you find a cool way to achieve this !


I found this “solution”

the idea is you have the base skeleton with all bones and therefore you have one PHAT that works… But if you have many cloth… I dunno, not very nice

Main problem is that physics not work in child mesh. So in solution above we “move” out child mesh to root (new leader bone component).

Hi. My final solutions, if someone ever needs it was to do crude custom collision and add them as child component.

(here visible for showing)

I then retrieve the hit from the raycast and send with a interface BP all the information required from the gun (dmg |Type etc). I then look for the name of the object in a map of all the collision linked to the armor attached (torso, head etc) in order to find which was hit and then retrieve their information from the armor blueprint.

Hope this can help !