Set Inverse Square Falloff - Point Light?

Is it possible to set “Inverse Square Falloff” on the point light? If not, through C++?

I don’t know if anyone needs this answer any more, but you can ‘Add Point Light Component’ with a branch and in each of those’s constructor set the ‘Use inv Sq…’ on or off and select them based upon a boolean.

Like this:

One of the ‘Add Spot Light Component’ has the ‘Use Inv Sq…’ on and the other off. You can do that for point lights too.

This is really stupid, but the only way I found is to create a new blueprint that extends the SpotlightComponent class, then turn off the boolean called bUseInverseSquaredFalloff.

Even the extended version doesn’t allow you to set it via blueprints.

Now use that extended SpotlightComponent in your other blueprints.