Set Default Custom Primitive Data for Foliage

I have a material with the base color set to a custom primitive data value so the color can change for each instance of a static mesh which uses it.

I use this material on my tree and can set the color by selecting the staticMeshActor > Rendering > CustomPrimitiveDataDefaults > color_base

The problem: I cannot set this PrimitiveData for my tree’s material when it’s a FoliageType. There’s no option under the details panel, and it appears the trees are grouped.

Want: Id like to be able to set the material color for each foliage tree based on the normal/material the foliage is placed on.

If I derive from FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent there is no construction script and also I’m unable to find the Primitive Component which would be the target for the following:

Solution Found: When dealing with foliage, use the PerInstanceCustomData in the material. This can be access by the FoliageInstanceStaticMeshComponent with SetCustomDataValue.

Access the individual FoliageActor is by InstanceIndex.

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