"Set Cubemap" seem not working

I need to set the Cubemap by clicking the button I have designed but I realise that the Cubemap of my HDRI backdrop is not changing. Then I test out in HDRI Backdrop Event graph that "Set Cubemap " is actually not setting the texture cube that I have input. Image below is the way that how I done this blueprint. Did you guys have any solution for this?

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Click on the sky in the level, then in the level BP, right click and you get the cubmap variable

and can set the cubemap like this

I tired this as well, not working after get the reference from the level, the whole line of blueprint is working just the “Set Cubemap” doesn’t work as expected. In the image below, i tried to find the reference of HDRI backdrop from my scene, the HDRI backdrop component is valid but it just like the “Set Cubemap” node is not working, since the get display name then Print string also working well

Coz I’m doing a widget page blueprint for controlling all the variables and components in the scene so I must use widget blueprint to take control on the cubemap switch

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It does set the cubemap, apparently, but the view does not refresh. Investigating…

You need this

this solve! You r brilliant ! Tqvm

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