Set C++ Class Mesh In Blueprint


Me and my friend are learning how to use C++ in unreal, and right now we’re running into a problem.

My friend has a specific hierarchy of Room(C++)->SubRoom(C++). There are several SubRooms, such as a TreasureRoom, TrapRoom, etc.

Right now, he is looking for a way to set a static mesh for the base Room, then change the material per SubRoom. The problem we’re running into is that he wants to setup the meshes in a viewport, AKA in a Blueprint. But he also wants the derived SubRooms to have the same mesh as the Room.

I’m telling him that it’s not possible, but he’s insisting that there must be a way to set a mesh (static, skeletal, etc) other than in C++ with transformations in C++. Specifically, when there’s multiple meshes per component, he wouldn’t want to set all of them via C++.

Am I wrong? I hope I am, honestly. Transformations don’t sound the best.

Edit: We’re using Unreal Engine 5.2.