Set beam end point not working

Hey everyone, I’m setting up a beam between my character and an enemy AI with spheretrace and emitter. However, I run in the issue where the Set Beam End Point is not working properly. I thought the issue was due to a wrong emitter index but I found no way to fix it or find out what index it would be on at the moment.

In image 1 the Face Target event is called and the emitter is spawned after.

In image 2 (Face Target event that has a loop) the end point is set after a single loop (when emitter is spawned).

In image 3 you can see how this looks in game (the length doesn’t change when the character or AI moves)

Any help will be very much appreciated!!

That’s a weird loop you made :stuck_out_tongue:

Use Custom Event - you can create a Timer from it, 2nd Custom Event to ClearAndInvalidateTimerByHandle

Timer can be looped with desired time, run the event in moment when the beam should start to update its rotation/location/end point whatsoever and run the other event to stop it when not needed

Here’s a piece of code I just sent to a different guy for a VR project, my code is for a slider to move it up and down so you don’t need that at all, what you need are the events with timers - take a look on it and start using them as it’s a very nice and convenient way of looping and updating things ;]

2nd thing - you have another IsValid node to the left (2nd screenshot) - it may be that you get NotValid and the rest of code isn’t running at all?

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Hey thanks for your answer! Your method works but this doesn’t change the outcome so it still doesn’t set the endpoint. I checked your 2th thing too and the invalid node doesn’t output anything there.

I’ll show you the entire custom event, maybe this gives more clarity on the issue, still stuck…

image 1: outputs infinite loop and crashed editor

image 2: method like you described where it still works but doesnt get fixed (problem should be in the set end point)

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Got it working, ended up begin the emitter template I was using was wrong, thanks anyways on the timer tip!

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