March 22, 2017, 5:12pm
You need a reference to your widget to call an interface on it. At the moment you are calling the interface on the hit actor.
Interfaces don’t work in the same as Event dispatchers - they need a target.
Try this:
If you have a number of widgets on screen that you want to set the actor in, replace the Get with as ForEach, but if there’s just one, this will work. That will work on any Widget that is a child of UserWidget
Im trying to set an actor in a variable into a widget from an interface call.
The variable returns nothing.
Is there a problem to send a message to a widget? Im doing the same to a BP and it works.
The thing is i have the widget in a BP Actor because i want to do personal menu for each customize actor.
March 22, 2017, 5:36pm
Ah, Is there only one actor with a widget in your scene at any time?
No, im doing a VR house with customizable elements so i have many more BP actors.
No, im doing a VR house with customizable elements so i have many more BP actors.
March 22, 2017, 9:17pm
In this case the below should work:
Leave the trace as you had it before, and the Widget blueprint as they were before, but in the customizable elements, in each Blueprint do this: