Sessions in LAN(Possible Bug)

Our game was in UE4 and now we moved to UE5 and after moving multiplayer stop working between different PCs. In this version(UE4) multiplayer worked. In this version(UE5) multiplayer doesn’t work. I decide to check this in new project. I created new project and paste modified our Game Instance class that responds for creating and finding sessions(.h, .cpp). Does my code need some changes after moving to UE5 or it is just a bug?
Steps to reproduce:

  • Create Third Person
  • Paste .h and .cpp files with modified Game Instance
  • Add to Config/DefaultEngine.ini
  • Modify .Build.cs file:
  1. Add to PublicDependencyModuleNames “OnlineSubsystem”, “OnlineSubsystemUtils”
  2. Add DynamicallyLoadedModuleNames.Add("OnlineSubsystemNull");
  3. Add to PublicIncludePaths Path.Combine(EngineDirectory, "Plugins", "Online", "OnlineSubsystem", "Source", "Public")
  4. Add these usings: using System; using System.IO;
  • Package game
  • As a host press H to create session
  • As a client press C to connect


This bug appears only if you connect from another PC. If i create and connect to myself it work.

Link to packaged game

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