Session not launching after renaming ambiguous materials parameter, verse building manually works.

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After renaming the ambiguous materials parameter I can build verse but when launching the session it errors and still says the parameter is ambiguous while it is renamed.
I also tried different things like deleting this file and checking-in changes but nothing seems to solve the problem.

I also checked my Assets.digest when building verse manually and their the parameter is also renamed.

To add to this when the update of exposed parameters was live Friday I did not even get the ambiguous error but I only got it since yesterday.

This is a big problem because my project is basically locked now because I can not launch my session.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Rename the ambiguous parameter
  2. Build verse code (Should work no problems)
  3. When launching session it errors because then the verse build still reads it as an ambiguous parameter while it is renamed.
    (I only have one project this is happening so it will not happen every time)

Expected Result

The session should launch.

Observed Result

Session is not launching because of an ambiguous material parameter.


Windows 11

Additional Notes

Output log:

VerseBuild: Error: C:/Users/Enzo/Documents/Fortnite Projects/Fortnite Projects/MyProject/Plugins/MyProject/sys/published/Assets/Assets.verse(56,19, 56,24): Script error 3588: Ambiguous identifier; could be or

Once again here it looks like the parameter is not renamed but it is renamed even when the file is deleted this error occurs.

The status of FORT-780268 incident has been moved from ‘Ready for QA’ to ‘In Testing’. Resolution Reason: ‘Fixed’


What means that? thanks

I can confirm this is a CRITICAL issue as even if you completely delete that material from the project, UEFN thinks it’s still there and completely bricks the project.


Do you have any ideas on how to remove it permanently from the project?

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Experiencing the same thing. Very critical problem as UEFN still believes the material is there even though it is deleted.

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I had the same problem

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Hi GraemeBB do you know what we can do to try to fix this problem? should be a solution for that right? thanks

waiting on Epic to respond. I haven’t found anything that fixes it yet.


We’re checking into this!


So i had an issue with this as well. When I tried to launch the session, it gave me a list of assets that were corrupted. Im not sure if this is the exact same issue, but I was able to fix it. This video worked for me. I hope it works for you.


I do that and now i can launch session, but i can update the map, because give me this error with the same material,

i have no errors and warnings now in my project, but cant update.


The issue when launching seems to be fixed now but there now is a new problem when trying to publish. Under the Verse Persistence check it mentions the ambiguous error now. (Like Afterhours also just mentioned)


It is fixed so you can launch session, but now the problem is moved to when you’re trying to publish. It appears under verse persistence now with the same issue.


Hi! Now we can launch sesion, but we cant update the map in the creator portal, give the same material error, if you can help us please, thank you so much.

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Now is fixed on digest, but we cant publish new versions, any news?


hi all,
You are best following the thread/post
Fortnite Ecosystem v31.00 with Known Issues

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Could it be possible that this is another problem that is not listed. I tried the solution to remove the GetPlayspace calls but I still have an error when trying to publish. It is the same error that occurred when launching session but now it occurs in the verse persistence check.

VerseBuild: Error: C:/build/FortniteGame/Plugins/GameFeatures/…/sys/published/Assets/Assets.verse(56,19, 56,24): Script error 3588: Ambiguous identifier; could be or

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hi @cr1pzzy
There are similar Verse Color errors reported

The problem was once talked about as Fix Asset function on Verse path ,
just cannot see why that would work

