I have a scene in Sequencer which I combine with other scenes in another Sequencer sequence. There is a static object there, which is generally visible, but in one of the scenes I use “visibility track” to hide it. For some time it works, but then when I click “simulate” or “play”, not in Sequencer but in the Editor, the object just disappears from the scene. Here are screenshots showing that track, an object and the same shot but with “simulate” enabled.
As you can see, the track is set to visible, object is not hidden, but a checkbox “visible” just gets unchecked for some weird reason. While it’s only in another track where is should be hidden. Somehow it gets hidden in all track as it seams.
I can only fix it by removing the object from a scene and putting it all there once again and creating a new track. But when I reload an editor, it all comes back.
Another way to fix it is to add all disappearing objects in the very first scene in a shot sequence. Set their visibility to “Visible” in a track and then remove a visibility track completely. Somehow that makes them stay and behave properly in all shots after it.
Any chance you can set up an example project for me? I’m having trouble reproducing the issue on our end in latest 4.12. The Visibility track actually manipulates both “Actor Hidden In Game” and “Visible” variables currently, but this may be a whole other issue.
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.
Sorry I didn’t respond for some time. I came back to the project and the issue still exists in 4.12.4
While I’m not sure if I can share my 20Gb project with you, I recorded a video explaining and showing the problem .
Also, the only way I could solve the issue was deleting an object from the level outliner and adding it again. Then adding it in Sequencer as a new track and setting keyframes in the exact same positions. In that case it works. But if I move shots around and add/remove other objects eventually some random object starts to disappear again. I don't know what triggers it.
Can you use “Show Only Modified Properties” to on the Static Voyager Disc to look for any properties that may be modified, but weren’t expected to be? Be sure to expand the additional properties of every section. I noticed a weird issue that caused “Render in Main Pass” to become unchecked.
PS - Pretty cool that you’re having aliens find the Voyager record…I think that’s one of the coolest things we’ve ever decided to attach to a space probe.
Hey thanks, that’s basically what my project is about
Also, I think you pointed me in the right direction with “render in main pass” checkbox. I managed to fix that bug with visibility track. I’m no 100% sure, but it seems like unchecking and checking it again solves the issue.
I had two kinds of objects - one that stayed visible all the time and the other one that had to disappear and none worked properly, but after unchecking/checking “render in main pass” in mesh details tab they appeared as needed. So I guess it was the issue. Thanks for the tip!
No problem, glad I could help! I noticed you’re giving a lot of feedback on sequencer. Keep it coming! We are still actively developing sequencer, so bugs and feature requests tend to get attention quickly.
I’m having the exact same issue as StMalk where I am hiding a mesh in sequencer using the HiddenIngame checkbox and unhiding midway through the sequence. But when I jump back in editor the mesh is hidden in game mode even though none of those flags have been set.
I’m also having the issue of decals disappearing when I run the level or simulate it.