Sequencer made in Editor, once in 4K mode the camera is off

Seems like the sequencer does not zoom out as far and camera work is completely off when I try to capture in 4K.

Capture crashes no matter what on 4.16 (many people seem to have similar issues) so I use Play->Standalone Game with Nvidia Shadowplay. at 1080 it loads everything fine and looks just like the level sequencer, but any higher resolution and the FOV of the camera seems to be off and more zoomed in?

I figured it out. It is because I am running with a very wide monitor so when it loads Full screen, it stretches the resolution. If I press F11 , it goes to the regular 4K resolution and my level sequence looks fine. I’ll try to delete this thread and start a new one to describe the problem incase other people have the same issue. This may be an issue for game designers when they make a level sequence and people play the game on an ultrawide screen… Or maybe games on ultra wide screen should just be shrunk to regular 4K with the sides cut off