Sequencer Frame Count / Return Last Frame


I’ve been creating several Sequencer renderings animations and noticed that while the Frame Start value returns correct, for the End Frame the value is not actually returning the correct number.

To provide an example:

A Level Sequence animation which has the following values:
Frame Start: 01
Frame End: 70
it will render from 01 to 69 and will not include a frame 70.
While this does makes sense (in a way), it is also confusing when creating different angles for the same animation, as for the start and end points, this -1 difference must be taken into account, when setting up the values.

Changing the preset options such as, Anti-Aliasing (Temporal Sample Count more than 1) it does return that Frame 70, but at the cost of performance, which is not a convenient solution.

Is there a better practice to deal with it, without sacrificing performance, in order to always return the last frame? (Frame 70 in our example)

Thank you.