[Sequencer] Can't render to video more than 5 seconds

Hi. I’m using sequencer to render a camera animation done in Unreal. But the problem is that after 5 seconds of render, the engine gets out of the cinema camera and starts to render the player camera. No matter where the end mark is, or how many frames it has, after 5 seconds (at 24fps) it switches automatically to the player camera.

I’m doing the following:

1- Cinematics - Level Sequence
2- (In Sequencer) click on “Create new camera and set it as current camera cut”
3- Animate the camera as I wish, more than 5 seconds at 24fps.
4- Click on “Render this movie to a video” and configure the options
5- Click on “Capture Movie”

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

Thank you.

Is it possible that your camera cut ends at 4 seconds (before the end of your sequence). For example, where the yellow marker is drawn below


If that’s the case, you’ll need to extend your camera cut to the red marker on the right.

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yep! it works! i’m feeling so stupid now haha


Im feeling really stupid here too hahaha, thanks a lot Max!