Hello guys!
I am using a blueprint for shader animation with a material collection parameter. If i use the slider in the editor it works fine. If i try to animate the blueprint with sequencer the exposed float is animated however the effect doesnt get updated in the viewport. Same happens in 4.12preview aswell.
Hi elodakielod,
Have you tried exposing the Material parameter directly from the mesh component in your Blueprint? I know there are instances where you will need to manipulate variables, but that might be a workaround for your situation.
I put in a request for construction script updates as you manipulate BP variables in Sequencer (UE-31193). You’d have to set your color in the construction script for in-editor updates, then update on tick in the event graph for gameplay.
You can achieve this functionality by creating C++ base classes for all actors\components you want to be updated in Sequencer.
Make following modifications in the in c++ constructor:
//bWantsBeginPlay = true;
PrimaryComponentTick.bCanEverTick = true;
bTickInEditor = true;
Then make new blueprint class inherited from this class.
Now your Event Tick always firing in editor.
these variables already defined in parent classes.
Hi Vitalii,
I’s been awhile but hope you can help me with this issue.
I did the same thing as in the picture Kegs provided, but compiler gives error:
Could you please tell me what I can do about it?
that`s not the case when you have complex systems of shaders and some kind of pre-defined set of shader animated transitions
Hi and all,
“Make following modifications in the in c++ constructor:
//bWantsBeginPlay = true;
PrimaryComponentTick.bCanEverTick = true; bTickInEditor = true;”
This all sounds great - but they are undefined. I’m very new to c++ and am unsure how to define them I’m afraid??
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you
could you please copy paste here your cpp and h files?