When you tell an animation to keep state it seems to blend this animation with the next in the sequence. Making the next animation look wrong.
I have the same problem! Did you manage to fix it?
Yes, it does blend one animation with another. I was keying Animation Weights to fix it.
I have got round it the few times it came up by adding a key on the first frame to change the current Animation mode on the skeletal mesh to Custom.
Worked for me, let me know if that fixes it for you too.
Still happening in 4.20 (haven’t tested in 4.21).
It is especially annoying if you play two different level sequencers that both play animations on the same skeletal mesh.
In this case, you cannot key weights without losing the state.
Also keying the animation mode didn’t help.
Luckily, setting the animation mode in Blueprint solved it. So just calling SetAnimationMode to UseAnimationAsset right before playing the next sequence.
The way I went in the end was to use an AnimationBlueprint which had a node feeding into it “DefaultSequence”? I think it was, this would play the sequencer track.
I’d then play the additive animations manually through the animation blueprint.
It was the only way I could get it to behave all the time.