Sequencer, actors appear in rendering, but don't exsist in the Level or Level sequence

In both the Level and Level sequence’s all the metahumans are spawnable and only appear in the LS, there are no metahumans in the main Level.

The first set of pictures are screen grabs from my viewport of the problem LS. you can see that there are no A-pose MHs compared to the rendered version.

ue5 couple
ue5 girl

These are from a test render so low quality and cropped,


Has anyone had this before or know how to fix this? This is rather urgent for a deadline.

I’ve tried creating a blank LS and copying the assets to the new, I have the same result.

I have systematically selected each actor in the LS and confirmed that they are what they are suposed to be, again these A-pose actors are not in the LS.


I had a LS in the Level which I couldn’t see the effects in viewport but activated in render. So if you get this check for any Level Sequences in that Level.