Hi, I’m currently working on updating our game from 4.7 to 4.9 and found that some methods was removed in 4.9 and i don’t know how to do the equivalent now.
We have a subclass of FAnimNode_Base which overrides the function void Evaluate(FPoseContext& Output).
In this function we use two now deleted methods on UAnimInstance
Output.AnimInstance->SequenceEvaluatePose(CurrentSequence, Pose1.Pose, Context);
method definition:
SequenceEvaluatePose(UAnimSequenceBase* Sequence, FA2Pose& Pose, const FAnimExtractContext& ExtractionContext)
Output.AnimInstance->BlendSequences(Pose1.Pose, Pose2.Pose, (BlendAccumulator / BlendTime), Output.Pose);
Method definition:
BlendSequences(const FA2Pose& Pose1, const FA2Pose& Pose2, float Alpha, FA2Pose& Result)
It was another programmer who originally made this code and i’m unsure if evaluation of poses are done completely different in the new version? Can anyone give a headsup on how to move forward?