Im on the way to implement simple behavior for my AI Characters but i got some problems with the selectors of my behavior tree.
To get some first skills at the work with behavior trees i`ve seen the 1st 3 tutorials of the “create AI in UE” sereies on youtube.
And now I want to ad some tasks and servisces I need.
The 1st I want to implement is that the behaviortree check that the caracter is on work and if it is true then the behaviortree have to stop all tasks
To Realice that i create an selector with a BT_SService that check the character is working ![alt text][1]or not (at work check graph screenshot)
if the character selected he is at work=do nothing
if the character not selected start the bts_visioncheck (Its the same as the tutorial
in the BTS_AtWork service i implement a PrintString note to check the result of the ==actor an dits works (Printstringresult Screenshot)
yesterday I have tested a little and find out that it makes no differences whether in the selector with the bts_VisionCheck is a Blackboard Based Condition or not .
It all works as long as the selector with the BTS_AtWork is not connected.
If BTS_VisionCheck depends directly on the RootNode everething is fine.