Separating a collision from it's mesh

In short:
What possibilities are there, if I had a StaticMeshComponent with a simple collision, to separate the visible mesh from the collision mesh?

In detail:
I seam to have unwillingly managed to do that, but I don’t know how:
I have an Actor, there is a ChildComponent of a ChildComponent. I do a few attachment-operations and now I’m able to Trace for the collision of a StaticMeshComponent and move it away. When I trace again, it doesn’t hit where the visible mesh is but on the position where it has been before the movement.

Any Ideas?
I’d be glad to give further information.

yeah, please post some screenshots of what happens on the screen and your settings

it is a drawer in a box. you can pick up the box and open the drawer. it actually works if i first pick up the drawer and then pick it up but the other way around it won’t work and the collider never moves relative/locally even though it moves visually. i can however move the actor with the pickup functionality and the collider stays at it’s relative position to the actor.

the problematic component is …_Manipulator1

both components, the one who picks up and the one who moves the drawer are inherited from the same class which does the attaching. and that class only adjusts the entire actor and doesn’t know the components themselves.

Ugh, sorry don’t have vr so don’t know much about it.
Though if they did not fix the bug you could try to move the center of origin with blueprints in world space. IIRC it moved the collision box separately from the geomentry.

thank you for your help!

It’s just a linetrace. VR shouldn’t make a difference:

Fixing the bug with an other bug won’t help much since it’s a plugin that will have to work in future releases.

I’ll continue narrowing down the bug. Would be great to have some more ideas :wink:


That seams to cause the trouble. I still have no idea under what condition it locks the collider in place.


That seams to cause the trouble. I still have no idea under what condition it locks the collider in place.

Figured it out. It actually just auto-welded the Collider. The weird behaviour was due to only one Component using physics.

FBodyInstance.bAutoWelt = false;