I’m currently doing a item wheel selection system and I’ve done the part which allows 4 user to select their items, but the problem now is that I have no idea on how send it over to the other blueprints which reads the data and set the players weapons according to their selection previously.
The part which I create the widget for the player to select is in the level blueprint, which creates 4 umg widget to show on the screen.
I’ve asked my friend on how to fix the issue, which he recommended me to just create a empty blueprint to store/get the data from, I’ve tried but the problem is that it keeps going to the print strings node which says cast fail. The blueprint I’m sending from is a level blueprint.
Update: I’ve managed to fixed the cast failed problem on my level blueprint, but now the problem is that I cannot get the data from the TestShip blueprint which is used in another level, using another gamemode and another hud.
I did the same thing like i do in my TestMenuLevel blueprint which is casting to playerselection blueprint and trying to get the data if the cast is successful, but it just goes to cast fail in the testship blueprint.
TestMainLevel is using a MenuGameMode and MenuHUD, and the test ship is in another level which uses TestHUD, Default GameMode.