Hey there! Thanks for reading trough my question.
I’m trying to capture a “screenshot” trough a render target and a scene capture component and then send it to a S3 bucket. When I save it to a file it works alright, but then I have to use a really specific file path that I can’t provide in clients PC’s, so I’d rather just send that picture as a binary instead of saving it to a file. Unfortunately I only found this tutorial on this matter, and this is the function that takes my screenshot:
void AHape::TakeScreenshot(UTextureRenderTarget2D* TextureRenderTarget, FString FilePath, FString FileName)
UKismetRenderingLibrary::ExportRenderTarget(GetWorld(), TextureRenderTarget, FilePath, FileName);
What I’m wondering is if there’s a way to have the image as a binary instead of exporting it with ExportRenderTarget, that returns a TArray.
I hope everything is clear, and i will appreciate any help or direction.