Selective replication

Hello, community. I’m curious about one thing.

I’m going to prototype a game with multiple clients on a single map handled by the server, top-down view, with fog of war.

As a programmer I tend to design it in a way that clients get info only about the objects they actually see and fog of war is actually a cosmetic thing on the client side. So they do not receive info the do not require and thus are less prone to hacks on client side.

On the other side, as a husband and full-time job worker, I do not really have time to over-complicate things during prototyping stage. I used to send a serialized world model to clients in Unity3D, but with the replication here I’m tempted to use this as the easiest way. But I’d be really pleased to have this fog of war functioning as secure as possible.

Maybe there’s a way in UE4 to replicate things selectively? Maybe there’s some term in UE4 that I could google about? Or best practices?

Since it occured to be unclear, I’ll try to explain with the example:

I want to replicate different subsets of objects/actors to different clients. Let’s say, Client A’s actor is in the field of view of Client B. But client C does not see Client A’s actor. I want Client A actor to be replicate only to A and B, but not C.

Ofcorse, you can set dynamically whatever actor replicates or not.

this function is also available via blueprints so you should have no issue setting this whatever you use

hey! Thanks for the answer!
Sorry for being ambigious. Let me emphasize it better: I want to replicate different subsets of objects/actors to different clients. Let’s say, Client A’s actor is in the field of view of Client B. But client C does not see Client A’s actor. I want Client A actor to be replicate only to A and B, but not C.

Hmm can’t find anything, there some UActorChannel but it seems not have any function you want, but there “relevant only to owner”. I guess you need to dive deeper or wait for somebody who knows the replication better then me

After some learning it looks like “Network Relevancy” feature might do the job. It doesn’t look designed to handle such things, but it seems possible to get that working in conjunction with client side visibility to work around issues I could think of so far…

Have you had any success with this? I am looking into the same problem at the moment, without any luck.

Nope, had to return back to Unity3D + SFS2X for this project and leave UE4 for other types of games.