Something different from the usual, instead of something not working, and I don’t know why, something IS working, and I don’t know why!
I made this UPROPERTY in one of my classes.
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Gift)
AMuhPickupItem* gift;
Then, I go in UE4 and the blueprint editor, and try selecting which blueprint shall be the gift.
As of now, its working quite well. Then, I choose BP_MuhCow, go back in the main window and try it out. It’s working perfectly! Not sure if its relevant, but basically, gift is the object that appears in the player’s inventory when they get close enough to a NPC.
Then, I go back in the BP editor, and, despair :
The blueprint works well, I get the “gift” selected in the first pic alright, but it doesn’t show after. At least it works, but I’d like to be able to see which gift it is at a glance.