'Select two or more material instances to perform this operation.'

Im using UE5

Now I tried to material blend.

I tried to select them on Bridge but it keeps saying ‘Select two or more material instances to perform this operation.’

I thought ‘okay now it doesn’t support Material instance’ so I turned them into ‘Material’ So I selected them on the tab of ‘Master Material Overrides’ but it keeps saying ‘Select two or more material instances to perform this operation.’ This is not a joke.

Am I missing something?


Hey, So I tested it right now, this is what I got.
You just select the materials, as you did, click on the Create Material Blend and a material will appear in the path you have set up there. Also I left those 3 places for materials empty.
This all being said, could you check if you have a BlendMaterials folder in your Game folder, and if so if there is something already there?

Hi, I am new to UE5. I have the same issue as Harkida1.

On my end, it won’t create the blend material directly when the surfaces have been selected. The same message will pop up.

I have to go to UE5. Select the downloaded materials both under UE5’s content browser, then go back back to the Quixel Bridge browser, click “Create Material Blend” and it will work.

Don’t know if it’s supposed to work this way. if not, hope this will help to find the right solution.


Thanks to you, i solved it


Nothing more infuriating than someone replying “I solved it” without saying how. Come on brother, help us out here, I’m having the same issue and have no idea why it’s not working.


Hi, find and Select your materials (2 - 3 (you can use filter for isntances) ) in your content browser in UE instead of Bridge window.
jump in bridge window and hit blend material window and hit Create Material Blend.

Using UE5.2 and the error still happening, I just made the material blend selecting one material, instead of 3, and that creates a material instance on the selected path, and later replaced the textures for the middle and top materials.

if you guys know how to solve it plz let me know .

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same here.
No matter where I select material instances, in UE content browser or in Quixel bridge directly, in version ue 5.2 megascans blend does not work.


same issue here. When I select one, it works, but two or three, get the same error in ue5.2 preview 2

how did you replace later? the blend material wont let me drop anything onto any of the slots. They are red for me.

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same problem here with UE 5.2

Guys i finally knew it 1st of all u have to double click the material instinct then scroll down until u see blend enable it to all of them then u can blend it

bro how to select 2 or 3 materials at a time

This blend enabled option. It is inside of the Material Instance details tab? I can find a blend option, but it doesnt let me tick anything. It only lets me chose the blend mode. I tried clicking it anyway, but it still didn’t let me blend the materials. Where exactly is the blend enable option?

The only working solution for this so far is select 1 material and create blend material from that and than modify the blend material from the within UE

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unfortunetly that doesn’t even work :frowning:


ok, I had the same issue and had to take the long way around to get the needed answer.

So here we go…

  1. Make sure all of the material that you want to blend are downloaded…

  2. In your content browser create a new folder name is blend material.

  3. Go into Quixe bridge, pick your base material that you were going to use in your blend.

  4. Go to the filter section give it a new name, go down to the path and make sure it goes to the new blend material folder that you made( that is important!) click create material and go back to UE.

  5. look in your new folder you will see your base material

  6. double click on the material

  7. once the material window pop open, please to the following:

  • Click the box for puddle layer
  • go down to the base layer, middle layer and top layer change only the what is needed for each those areas ( if the base layer is correct leave it alone and go to mid / top layers and change the needed area with what material you need to have in this blend)
  1. check over everything!!!SAVE and test it out!!!

I hope this helps. :blush:



Blend material Fixed in Unreal Engine 5.2 #unrealengine5 #megascans - YouTube


I had this problem, I was even able to create a blend material using just one material, but when I went to change the textures of the middle layer and top layer, I got a red box. all this was happening in the unreal engine 5.2.1 architecture preset. I switched to games and now I can change the materials. it looks like the Blend Material is only having issues with the architecture preset.


Ok, I found that You only need to select base layer material in UE content browser and in Bridge You need to select all 3 materials that you downloaded in your preferred sequence ( Base → Mid → upper ). That should create the Blend material in your content browser destination.