Id like to make a wayer texture that is almost completely see through? ? I can get it moving and I got the normal map I want but…how do I make it see through to an extent to where the normal map and speculation shows that its water??
Create a Translucent material.
The opacity of the water surface depends on the angle at which you are looking at it and the depth of water. For instance a shallow body of water will look almost completely transparent when you are looking perpendicular to it, and if you look at it parallel to its surface, it looks like a perfect mirror reflecting whatever is above it.
UE4 Material editor has a node called Fresnel which is based on the camera view. You can you then use it to blend reflection cube map and opacity correctly.
The above method is actually based on UDK. I have not tried to recreate it in UE4. There has been some reports that UE4 does not handle translucent materials well. I don’t know if those reports are true or if they are fixed. So there is a chance that you might run into problems.
In case you can do some C++ coding, I will add some additional info which you might find helpful. To get a perfect water reflection along with proper specularity, people tend to use a multi-pass rendering technique.
In the first pass, you simply render the scene from Camera’s view point and discard the water surface.(you will not render any of it).
[This pass is optional ] If you want real-time reflection, you have to render the scene from reflected camera (ie the camera Z axis will be reflected wrt to water plane).
You will render the water surface here. You have two textures (from pass 1 and pass 2). You will calculate fresnel co-efficient for each pixel and use ti to blend between texture from pass1 and pass2. This result will be taken as pixel color.
I have done a water demo using the above method in pure C++ and DirectX HLSL shaders (NOT using UE4 or any other Engine). So I am not sure how difficult it is to implement this in UE4, but I am pretty sure you might have to tinker with the source code.
Chek the following forum post. YOu might find something helpful :). If you scroll down, you can actually see the full Material setup