Searching for experienced developers to collaborate on a new project.

I’m looking for people to join a development team to make a new Multiplayer Survival Sci-Fi Thriller game. This team will be put together of volunteers willing to dedicate time to the project, there is no budget, if you are wanting to be paid for work, this is not the project for you.

Rather than list people we need, I want people to read the entire Design Document (Currently 130 pages) and then come back to me with an answer.

Anyone willing to dedicate some time to a project, message me / reply here and i can give you permission on GDrive to view the document.

The below information Taken from our design document.

Your Contribution Matters

"I am reaching out to you, with a heartfelt invitation to contribute your time to the NeXuS project. Whether you can spare a few hours or are willing to invest more time, your involvement can make a significant difference.

The journey from concept to a fully realised game is challenging and filled with obstacles, but it is also incredibly rewarding. Every bit of effort, no matter how small, helps bring NeXuS one step closer to reality."

Game Title: NeXuS

Genre: Multiplayer Survival Sci-Fi Thriller

Platform: PC

There’s another post recruiting to develop a Scifi-Thriller. Seems like this is a new genre gaining some momentum. I love Sci-Fi and Fantasy.

@NigeySUK as you may know, many Devs are here searching for other Devs to assist with bringing their own game concept to life. REV-SHARE/ROYALTY Projects don’t get any Love. I know this from experience.

You also must know, that no one wants to read a long forum post, less alone a 130 page design doc. You would do better in your recruiting efforts posting a video presentation and telling us what experience and skill You will contribute to the project?

Even this doesn’t guarantee grabbing the attention of potential developers.

At this point, You are demanding a lot, but offering little. I have to be honest, this feels like an over ambitious project and I’m shying away from those. You’re going to have to put in more effort to get other Devs interested. Tell us about You!

I do Blueprints. I favor developing multiplayer manual and procedural construction systems, innovative multiplayer gameplay subsystems and multiuser tools. I have no interest in 2D development. I’m only interested in 3D Game development (would consider 2.5D that uses 3D). I can 3D Model with Procedural methods but moreso enjoy Kitbashing with 3D models.

Oh dam, sorry i forgot I had not yet replied here. So my thinking on the design doc access was to weed out people who were just wasting time, anyhow i’m working on summarizing the doc into a few pages, with a couple of pages also talking about revenue share and contracts, that seemed to be what most people over at Facebook cared about, and that is understandable.

Anyway, you asked about me, and what I can bring to the project, I have mainly worked on terrains for about 15 years, and mainly in the Arma games, so we are talking very large terrains, i’ve carried some of this knowledge over to Unreal, I’ve also worked on blueprints, and some c++, I am by no means an expert in Unreal, compared to some people I class myself as a novice, but with a willingness to learn, I also have worked in Systems Administration for 25 years, Windows and Linux, that includes python and bash scripting.

I do also work on expanding my Unreal knowledge via c++ courses, and advanced materials, so yeah, I’m not the best guy out there, but i try my dam hardest to get the job done.

I’ll post back when i have the overview doc ready.

I Hope that answered some of your questions.

I get it. But, a design doc wont weed out anyone. Even if devs join your project, they can be given tasks and sit on them. I’ve suspect some devs have joined just to steal ideas and assets. Lurkers and Thieves. You need many other safeguards in place at all levels of dev.

But your killing any interest at the door, prior to entry. No one needs to work on your project for FREE when they can work on their own. Would you work on someone else’s project for free instead of your own?

So, I’m not even interested in reading your game doc. Show me proof you want to make this game. I want to see videos that show your skills, determination, and creativity to make this happen.

Show me you → carried some of this knowledge over to Unreal, I’ve also worked on blueprints, and some c++.