Hey guys!
I am trying to make a tool plugin.
There are two UClass whitch be writed in different module.The one is inherited from UDeveloperSettings,just Name it as UMySetting.
The another is just UObject,name it as UMyObject.
Now, I want that… when the engine load,it will search ContentBrowser and find all of UMyObject and register their FAssetData in UMySetting.
For it, I run this function in construct of UMySetting
it can find nothing of UMyObject.The Testint be 0.
If I search others class,such as ACharacter,it still can not find,but it can find StaticMesh. Why for that?
by the way,the LoadingPhase for module of UMyObject is set “PostConfigInit”.
and the module of UMySetting is set “PostEngineInit”. if the LoadingPhase will make some influence?
then, band a series of delegates from OnPostEngineInit to UAssetManager::CallOrRegister_OnCompletedInitialScan.
the searching function will be call after AssetManager Scan completed.