Hi all,
I’ve been encountering an error while using ServerTravel over Steam (evertyhing set, own AppID, already have Valve approval for creating sessions and the game published without release date set so it remains hidden) having Seamless travel and transition maps set. I checked that both, destination and transition map have its gamemode set with seamless travel option checked (they both use the same game mode).
The issue only happens when there are clients connected. If the server hosts a match and perform the server travel without clients it works fine.
Attached are both logs from Server and Client, and additionally a “LoneServer” log for more information (explained below). Logs describes the following:
Open Game
Pressed debug button to instant host match on TestMap (no VR installed).- -
Open Game
Browse Sessions
Join Session -
Pressed debug key to call console command: “Servertravel /map_path/TestMap?Listen” (called on game instance)
After calling the server travel from the server (inside game instance)
Server: Lots of errors, something breaks badly and I get a lot of accessed none from many classes (mainly because default pawn is having issues or non existent, can’t really tell from standalone point of view)
Client: Crash to desktop. No additional logs.
Lone Server Log: Same server as before but this time without any client connected. Server travel works fine and loads the map and default pawn properly.
Any kind of help is greatly apprecitated.
PS. Project is done all in Blueprints, don’t really have coding skills
Many Thanks!