Scultpting/Painting Brush Size Hotkey

I’ve looked but cannot find a way to set a hotkey (preferably with the mouse wheel) to change the size and falloff of the sculpting/painting brush. Is there one?

If I’m not overlooking something, it should be something to consider adding as it’s hard to have a good workflow when you have to keep stopping to go over and manually adjust the brush size…

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Hi devonzara,

Thank you for your request. I have entered a feature request to be considered by the development staff, UE-11832.

Is this already solved?
Is there a hotkey for brushsize like ALT+MouseWheel or ALT+RMB+Horizontal Mouse Movement?

Bump. Those Scroll-wheel Hotkeys would be really nice to have.

I need this in my life, would improve workflow so much faster! for the meantime I will use two mouses with 12 buttons for my artistic landscape creation.

Yes, there is a hotkey for brush size.

To increase brush size press the closed bracket symbol on your keyboard: ]

To decrease brush size press the open bracket symbol on your keyboard: [


->shaiya unfortunately this doesn’t seem to work with a german keyboard, as those brackets are on “alt gr + 8” and “alt gr + 9”. You get problems with pretty much all UE4 hotkeys on german keyboards and even rebinding keys doesn’t usually get them to work…

Sorry to hear. Hopefully they will add an option in the settings menu, so people could choose their own shortcut keys.

The [ or ] does not seem to work, even when changing the keyboard to english or mapping it to a Wacom tablet.

It could be really really great if you can add this as a customizable shortcut. It would increase many people’s workflow immensely. The foliage brush can be custom mapped as a shortcut, so it makes sense to do it with the terrain brush as well.

Pushing this as I also would like to see this little addition in a future update.

Ctrl + mouse wheel scroll also controls the brush size

doesn’t work for me

i have exactly the same problem. I cant set the brush size with hotkeys for german keyboard. Are there any fixes now? Everytime selecting the slider to change the brush/paint size cost a lot of time…

Epic games, whats that? O.O

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That doesnt work for me, too

same here

Same. And from some moment hotkeys just stopped working even in English mapping. Rebooting of engine didn`t work for it.

Thank you, that works for me, but I had that hold right click while I did.
Pdt: Sorry for my bad grammar, I’m not english speaker

By default hotkey isn’t set up. Go to Edit → Editor Preferences → Keyboard Shortcuts search for “Landscape”, and there are “change brush size”, “change brush falloff” and “change brush strength


Thank you. That worked for me (German Keyboard)

Thanks, that worked for me!