Scripting the Editor using the WebBrowser Widget and perform oAuth2

Hello together,

I am creating an Editor Widget using C++. In this window I want to perform an oAuth2 login process.

For now I am trying to use the Editors WebBrowser Plugin to have some kind of pop up window in which I would redirect to the login service.
I can’t figure out why the engine throws link errors though I included all header files and the Module “WebBrowser” into my build.cs file.

Here you can see my Slate widget. When I try to create a new SWebBrowser the link error comes up:

My build.cs file:

Anyone having an idea why the link error still comes up?
And do you guys maybe have an Idea on how to start doing an oAuth2? Should I use an http listener for that and the OS WebBrowser or should I better use the Engine and it’s WebBrowser-Plugin?

Any help apprecciated!



Found the issue concerning the compiler error:

The Plugin I am writing obviously depends on another plugin, the WebBrowserWidget. Therefore this dependency needs to be marked in the .uplugin file following the same syntax as in the .uproject file:


Now I’ll try to manage the oAuth2 Process…

did you finish your project?
did you convert your google oauth code to plugin?