Screen tearing problem

Sorry if i’m in the wrong place

I can’t find the cause of this problem and the solution, object tearing during rapid transition. I have the same problem even with a simple cube

Original state of the distant cube:

When I make a quick move:

Thinking that the problem is caused by the monitor, I tried it on 2 different monitors, but it’s the same. When I record a video, I see that the situation does not change.

Here is a short video for you to understand:

This is really annoying, please give some help.

I think it’s a pretty standard problem. I’m assuming it would be even worse if you want side to side.

You can try turning on vsync in the editor, console command ‘r.VSyncEditor’

It’s okay the editor but I see the same in the game after I build it. When I enter a room, I can see outside the wall quite easily

Ok, obviously vsync in the production build.

Are these meshes proper walls / cubes, or are they 0 width one sided?

Black is cube 40-50 width, white is plane 0 width

You might also have some luck with frame rate smoothing. I have seen some other posts about this, but can’t find them now…

PS Everybody get this, it’s not just you. But it’s pretty hard to get this effect during game play, unless you’re player is a fly travelling at light speed.

I think I have bad luck, the movement speed is 250. I’ve searched but couldn’t find it, I hope someone can help. I don’t know, maybe I’m building the game the wrong way. I only have 1-2 months of experience.

I think you’re noticing some that will not be apparent once you get a real environment setup.

I didn’t pay much attention to the environment as the outside won’t be seen much in the game, but I’ll check it out. When I tested it in detail, I noticed that the cubes were broken at the junction points. My only solution is to import it big and in one piece instead of using a small plane or cube.

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