Screen tearing issues on the Gear VR

I’m having this problem with a weird vertical screen tearing when multiple objects (more than 15-20) are present on my scene. The FPS are still on 60, but the screen tearing is very visible and annoying.
When the scene is empty (just a skybox and a plane), it works perfectly though.

The scene doesn’t have any lights whatsoever, and I only use 4 unlit materials. I also checked for any unwanted post processing. I’m using UE 4.8

Things I tried to correct this issue:

  • Turned those objects to simple cubes (12 triangles, 24 vertices) with a small texture
  • Removed the blueprint code from the objects (it was doing some raytracing to be able to move the objects around)
  • Changed the whole project for UE 4.7

So, my only conclusion is that it could be a drawcall issue, but still, I’m making 20 copies of the same low-poly object (which I also tested as a cube), and that’s already giving me screen tearing.
Anything I may be missing?

Thank you!

It sounds like the timewarp is trying to keep up with your draw calls. In console type “stat scenerendering” and post your max drawcalls.

My max mesh draw calls is 17. Is that a lot?

No I think it has something to do with 4.8. The setup we were using for the jam in 4.7 should be showing symptoms around 100’ish (50 when in stereo) draw calls. Honestly I think it’s a combination of the performance loss in the newest engine as well as the overall performance hit we noticed at the start of the challange when everyone was forced to update to lollypop.

Try testing it again in 4.7

Ok, I’ll try to test again in 4.7 and I’ll post the results.

I wish you the best of luck. Check this thread for some more help with getting started: