ok i don’t know whats going on but im using 4.5.1 and i have noticed on my asset testing level that my Screen Space Reflections are pixelated and distorted. when ever the player walks near it or see’s the reflection of the player.
Iv tried changing the anti aliasing, reflection values but nothing works, I’m starting to thinks this is a limitation or a bug
Hey Tea-Rexx -
Screen Space Reflections are meant to supplement the reflection environment that you set using the Sphere and/or Box Reflection Capture Actors. Specifically SSR is meant to help ground objects to the floor and then blend into the environment.
The best approach to trying to achieving a better result than what you are getting is to ensure that a sphere reflection actor is placed to encompass your metallic help box area, add a skylight that does not cast shadows and adjust the Post Process Settings for SSR by decreasing the intensity while increasing the reflection intensity in the skylight and sphere actor.
Here is a link to some helpful documentation about some of the does, don’ts and can’ts of reflections.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
wont that conflict with my moveable directional light since the skylight is another source of light?
Iv read that link and i have tried that method you have suggested. BUT it didn’t do anything, im getting pixelated tearing
The Skylight assuming you turned off cast shadows will lighten the scene and in particular enhance the Sphere Capture Reflection Actor generated Cubemap, but will not appear as a new light source.
The hard part of the effect you are trying to achieve is that the SSR will have the sort of artifact your are experiencing when viewed on a flat mirror surface, you can see the same effect in the Content Examples Map for SSR.
Next to the above mentioned Sphere Reflection Actor, Skylight and Post Process Changes, you can try to “rough” up the smooth surface and I don’t mean merely by reducing the Rough or Metallic elements but adding in a breakup texture into the base color and perhaps the normal.
If you are willing to send me, either through a link here or through private message on the forums, the asset, texture and material I will be happy to work out the best possible settings needed.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
I appreciate that but i need to learn this, are there any good video tutorials ?
( i did disable all shadows, i decided to look into the reflection example map and that one even has issues )
also the thing is, Im texturing my assets with substance designer as well and exporting them into maps which could be messing up with the values in ue4 but i checked so it isnt my maps.I RBG-A merg and merg the basecolor with roughness and normal with metallic to save in space and resources
Currently not that I know of but it might be a really good request, so I am going to enter a request for one with our documentation team.
that would be great and would help with a lot of members
hi Eric how can i send you one of my assets to fix this, because i paid for a tutorial and it seems to be a issue i think with my version because the tutorial that they have done, they don’t get the reflection issue like i do
Hey Tea-Rexx -
Zip your *.uproject file, the Content and Config Subfolders and upload to a drop box and you can send me a private link via the Unreal Engine Forums’ Private Message.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
did you receive my message? of the file?
I’m now having issues that the PBR materials are not working on that model, i have no idea what I’m doing wrong, but iv been doing the marmoset PBR practice and inverted the microsurface since ue4 is inverted, but i have read that u have to make your albedo black for metal but when i do this the metallic doesn’t register at all and all i get is a black texture on the model. i created a reflection map of Metallic,Roughness,AO being in R,G,B and set the texture to mask, it worked fine for my Train track but im having major issues with just this model
Hey Tea-Rexx -
I have not received anything in my private message from you. If you are using an albedo map for Metallic input black would be 0 which would mean that the areas would in fact not be metallic. A screenshot of your material setup would help me get a better idea of where your problem may be.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
currently making a video for you, taking you through the steps and also showing you the issues
Iv sent you a link to the video privately, i cant send the project file it’s over 11 gig.
Hey Tea-Rexx -
Can you confirm that you sent me the link to my private message via the forums? I still have not received any links as of yet.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
I’ll just post it here then if u didn’t get it
It’s a little long, I cut it down as much as I could
Eric I think I might be a issue with unreal, iv noticed that my model is appearing black for the metals but i have a 2nd uv channel for the light maps with 128 resolution of the light maps
iv fixed the issues with the model being black had something to do with my lighting which all i did was use a ambient cubemap , but im still getting those reflection particle issues, i also can confirm its got something to do with my gtx770m since i don’t get the reflection issues on desktop video cards at my university
Hi Tea-Rexx -
Well that’s excellent about the first part, but can you be more precise about the reflection particles issue, are you referring to the pixelated look of the reflections? I looked again through your video and cannot find reference to it, but I might have missed it. If you could point me to a specific time where the issue occurs I can help clear it up for you.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
hey eric sorry to bother you again but im currently stumped there is no information on this any where, i have a day night cycle that controls my skylight intensity by its sun height value. I have GI turned on since i read that this is the best method for dynamic worlds, i need some help on how to make metal have its reflection on any light value as it would during the day. but i cant use my skylight due to the fact that it lights up my night scene to much hence the reason its controlled by my sun. How could i do this? because when the player uses there flash light ( or any light in general) it does this in the image below, I want to set it up like actual metal would be like, am i better off doing the old method with the specular and gloss? because ill need to do this to every model that has metal