•Dependant on screen size, the pawn / character will drop through the floor
•In editor dependant on screen size, the camera will appear closer or further away from the actor / character
Version 4.5.1, easiest way to re-produce is use the third party template with world composition. Cook the scene and start the game full screen to re-produce the physics issue. It seems to relate to load order and it could be that in full screen mode terrain is taking longer to load than the actor is.
In editor (Camera positions), it’s simpler… Play the game in a windowed mode and play the game in immersive mode using the third person template and world composition.
I haven’t been able to reproduce the character falling through the floor. I am using the 3rd Person Template with World Composition. I have the Persistent Level and a second level with the geometry duplicated, creating one larger level that steams out at 500 units. Are you doing anything differently? Using landscapes maybe?
As for the second issue with the camera, what you are seeing is not the camera moving closer to the player but the aspect ratio changing from your Viewport Size (general square) to the size of your Full-screen Monitor (rectangle). If you notice the width of the image doesn’t change, just the top and bottom are cropped away.
I can send you the build if that will help? Or the project, in the build camera position remains relative as you say it just chops off. In PIE the vector position moves…
Falling through ground was a bug with level streaming on game startup. In some cases not all streaming levels were fully loaded before player spawn. So player was falling down. This was fixed fro 4.6
Falling through ground was a bug with level streaming on game startup. In some cases not all streaming levels were fully loaded before player spawn. So player was falling down. This was fixed fro 4.6