I created a combo box that is supposed to appear in the details panel for actors in the level, and that works by manually adding some options. However, I’m trying to add more options to the combo box via adding more items to the “Options Source” and using “RefreshOptions()” using another button which is in the details panel and the newly added options aren’t appearing. I made some logs and it seems like the button is working as intended and everything is getting called is there something I’m missing?
Here is where I assign the combo box:
Cat.AddCustomRow(LOCTEXT("CatComboBox", "MyList"))
SAssignNew(MyComboBox, SComboBox<TSharedPtr<FString>>)
.OnGenerateWidget(this, &FMyDetails::OnGenerateComboBoxOption)
.Text(this, &FMyDetails::CreateComboBoxContent)
Here is where I’m trying to add a new option:
FString* newStr = new FString(TEXT("Test case"));
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Regeneration Complete"));
return FReply::Handled();
Thanks for any help!