Sci-Fi Greeble in Material Editor?

I was able to pin my own greeble material in Blender, however, not in UE yet. I’m thinking of doing the same with Chebychev voronoi but i do not know how to figure out the logic the UE material editor. Which nodes in what sequence would create a similar, tileable texture?

Blender Pins:

I found solely a "Vector Noise: Voronoi " node, but from this point on the whole thought process is lacking in direction, since it’s barely the same as in Blender.



I had a go at this, but can’t get the right look.

I can tell you, there is a Voronoi node, just choose noise, and select Voronoi in the details. But, then look at your shader complexity: 400 before you even start.

I’d recommend just using a texture for the noise…

Oh, this is neat. I’ve been planning to stark working on a procedural HISM greeble effect soonish.

Don’t know the answer; posting to get a solution notification, insight, and to socialise :wink:

UE can bake materials into textures, right?

It needs to get wrapped around its own meshes, otherwise parts will be stretched and look like a 90’s game texture. I sat there yesterday trying to bake the mat from a Blender Plane into a texture, but that’s probably not the way to go, because of the stretch. It could be tiled over any mesh though, if the Greeble structure is symmetrical.